Take your broken heart to Zagreb

Posted: Monday, 7 March 2011 by Jimmy Christ in Labels: , ,

Normally travel sites are keen to espouse the romantic qualities of various destinations – early February was so cringeworthy for top 10 lists of cuddling spots in the sun that cynics everywhere spent a good two weeks vomiting up their disgust, pausing only to open a new browser window that started the whole thing again.

Well, here's the glorious exception.

Taking permanent residency in Zagreb, the Croatian capital, in October 2010, the Museum of Broken Relationships started off as an installation in 2006, and then a travelling exhibition, collecting an odd array of found objects relating to break-ups, from the relatively benign and comedic, to the truly tragic, culminating in a visitors book which encourages contributions. Curated by Olinka Vištica and Dražen Grubišić, the museum has stopped formally soliciting donations from the embittered or nostalgic, and the strength of its concept has seen it make the shortlist for European Museum of the Year 2011, alongside such prestigious institutions as London's Victoria & Albert Museum.

Why not make a romantic weekend of it? That way, even if it goes wrong you'll be enriching the experience.


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